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Welcome to the Not Ready for Opsec Players!

The Not Ready for Opsec Players are excited to announce their trans horror audio drama “Brittle Tourniquet”! Brittle Tourniquet is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license​​. It is available from these sources: Main page for listening on this site RSS feed Brittle Tourniquet on Apple podcasts Pandora Spotify I Heart Radio

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 8

In this final episode of Brittle Tourniquet, Jenny faces down Hunger and Annette for the last time, while Ed takes on The Duke. Transcript: Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 8 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. EXT. Forest around ROXDALE’s compound SFX: (Forest ambiance. JENNY wheezes from the ground.) JENNY: (PANTS, WHEEZES) Why?…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 7

In this episode, Jenny and Ed ally with Annette to break into Roxdale’s Vault again, this time with Aradia’s help. Transcript Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 7 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. EXT. Public Park, sunny day, 2016 SFX: (Protesters shout as JENNY and ANNETTE walk by) MUSIC: (Trans folk music) PROTESTERS:…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 6

In this episode, Annette holds an auction to sell Hunger’s services, while also turning Jenny and Ed against each other. Transcript Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 6 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. INT. Lavish Ballroom on top of a Seattle Skyscraper, afternoon SFX: (Patrons mulling about. ANNETTE clinks her water glass.) ANNETTE:…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 5

In this episode, Ed helps to lead a Seattle protest while Jenny helps Hunger against the god of police, the Thin Blue Duke. Transcript: Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 5 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. INT. Car SFX: (Car idling) NEWS ANNOUNCER: (FROM CAR RADIO) A large crowd is marching through downtown…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 4

In this episode, Jenny and Ed Astra enter Hunger again, where Hunger has learned a new trick for getting fed. Transcript: Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 4 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. INT. JENNY’s car SFX: (Car door opens. ED slides in. He sits. He shuts the door. He puts on his…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 3

In this episode, Jenny forms an uneasy alliance with her former enemy, anarchist Ed Astra, against Annette and Hunger. Transcript: Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 3 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. INT. Mansion sitting room, flashback SFX: (Quiet large interior space ambiance.) JENNY: (BRIGHT, OPTIMISTIC, CLEARLY JENNY *BEFORE* THE EVENTS OF EPISODE…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 2

In this episode, Jenny descends into the belly of the beast… but what kind of beast is it? Transcript Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 2 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. Introduction Theme Scene 2. INT. Car SFX: (Car driving.) MUSIC: (Modern ambient, from car radio) JENNY: (RESIGNED, A LITTLE SCARED, SURE ARADIA EXISTS BUT KNOWS SHE’S…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Episode 1

In this first episode, Jenny Bitters attempts a summoning ritual to get back in the supervillain game – but ends up seemingly summoning her ex and her former boss instead. Unless…. Transcript Brittle Tourniquet, Episode 1 by Alicia E. Goranson Scene 1. INT. JENNY’s apartment MUSIC: (Short stream intro song) JENNY: (TO INTERNET CHAT, STREAMSONA…

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Brittle Tourniquet – Trailer

Disgraced former trans supervillainess Jenny Bitters wants back in the game of cabals and magic – to the point where she would even summon Aradia, a goddess so forbidden, no cabal would touch her. When things go hideously wrong, Jenny allies herself with her former enemy anarchist Ed Astra to face what Aradia has released…

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